Monday, October 25, 2010

Items hanging from your rearview mirror

They are trying to get the law lifted that says you can not hang air fresheners etc. on you rearview mirror because the police do not enforce the law.
This is the best quote "I call it a 'gotcha' law. It's an excuse to pull someone over." This is the best quote because its funny and true. Some cops just wants something to do sometimes so they see the air freshener hanging on the review mirror of a persons car so they pull them over. Yes, it’s a law but it’s a really unnecessary law. Its just that a gotcha law.
I disagree with the ban. The ban is very unnecessary unless the object hanging from the rearview mirror is obstructing the drivers view. Otherwise if people just have the air fresheners they are not distracting the driver or obstructing their view. The cops should not have to waste their time either pulling the people over even if it just is a excuse to. They should be pulling over the people who break the serious laws not be worrying about what people have hanging on their windshield. The law is very unnecessary and should be lifted and people can not hang objects that obstruct their view like fuzzy dice.

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