Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Conserve, reuse, recycle.

"Have you figured out yet that I'm going as a cadaver, an anatomical gift?"

Semrau intentionally leaves the information about to help get the reader interested in the article and to want to keep reading. He gets the readers attention by not telling them what he is talking about right away and waiting till almost the end so the reader is hooked and want to know what kind of going green he is talking about. Him doing that helps people see that you can go green in other ways and helps the intent of the essay a lot. The intent of the essay is that he wants people to see going green as not just recycling paper and bottles but as he puts it “reusing” your body and probably helping out other people.

The article was effective it kept my attention because it was different and made you wonder what he is getting at till you get to that sentence and finally understand that he wants to reuse his body. If he would of said that at the beginning they gone through with the rest of what he said he would lost peoples attention. This way though he keep their attention through the whole article and he is able to get people to think about “conserve, reuse, recycle” in a different way.

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