Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Day Without Talking

It was so hard to go a whole school day without talking and having everyone look at me weird when I tried to draw a picture to explain what I was trying to say. A interesting experience I had with not being able to talk on Friday was lunch. It was so hard to sit there and have all my friends around  talking and all I could do was sit there and listen to the conversations. I never realized how much I relayed on talking during lunch or in the halls between classes until Friday.  All my friends knew I couldn't talk all day but it was still frustrating when they would forget then start talking to me and all I wanted to do was answer but couldn't. No talking for a day was very hard and people take stuff the wrong way when you can't talk and answer their questions or have a conversation with them.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're exactly right. People can't possibly understand what you're trying to say, especially if they have no idea why you're not talking. They could completely misunderstand you and make it even harder for them to understand. People take talking for granted and don't realize how much they need words until they try not to use them.
