Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Conserve, reuse, recycle.

"Have you figured out yet that I'm going as a cadaver, an anatomical gift?"

Semrau intentionally leaves the information about to help get the reader interested in the article and to want to keep reading. He gets the readers attention by not telling them what he is talking about right away and waiting till almost the end so the reader is hooked and want to know what kind of going green he is talking about. Him doing that helps people see that you can go green in other ways and helps the intent of the essay a lot. The intent of the essay is that he wants people to see going green as not just recycling paper and bottles but as he puts it “reusing” your body and probably helping out other people.

The article was effective it kept my attention because it was different and made you wonder what he is getting at till you get to that sentence and finally understand that he wants to reuse his body. If he would of said that at the beginning they gone through with the rest of what he said he would lost peoples attention. This way though he keep their attention through the whole article and he is able to get people to think about “conserve, reuse, recycle” in a different way.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Savior of the Nations, Come.

The main message of hymn Savior of the Nations Come is that Jesus came to this world to die and be raised for the dead for us. Luther is trying to show us that God chose everything he did for a reason and that it all goes back to Jesus dying for us. He is trying to get across that the biggest sacrifice anyone could do was Jesus giving up his life for the world and we should praise and honor him. He wants us not to just pray and give thanks every once in awhile but actually see what Jesus did to us and understand why and how he came to this world. The language tool that he uses is diction, without diction the hymn would still have the same meaning, but it would not be as powerful. Words such as disowned and enthroned are more powerful than words like reject or install. Yes they still get the point across Jesus was rejected by the world and still to be installed in heaven with God but it does not have as much as an impact and is sort of just looked over and not thought about without those words.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sermon Diagnostic

1. 27 Times
2. Makes, holy, slain, is lamb, died, lives again, took sin, set apart, rose/raise, make alive, came, put together, smiling, and reigns.
3. The theme of Rev, Borghardt’s sermon was that Jesus died to save us. Whereas Edwards sermons theme was to scare people into behaving and believe in God. Borghardt wanted to help people see the salvation that God gives us through Christ dying on the cross and wanted us not to be scared of God and as long as we believe. Edwards was using hell to scare us into believing, he was showing us all the negatives what God could do to us. They are totally different messages, one tells you of your salvation and the other tells of your damnation.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Items hanging from your rearview mirror

They are trying to get the law lifted that says you can not hang air fresheners etc. on you rearview mirror because the police do not enforce the law.
This is the best quote "I call it a 'gotcha' law. It's an excuse to pull someone over." This is the best quote because its funny and true. Some cops just wants something to do sometimes so they see the air freshener hanging on the review mirror of a persons car so they pull them over. Yes, it’s a law but it’s a really unnecessary law. Its just that a gotcha law.
I disagree with the ban. The ban is very unnecessary unless the object hanging from the rearview mirror is obstructing the drivers view. Otherwise if people just have the air fresheners they are not distracting the driver or obstructing their view. The cops should not have to waste their time either pulling the people over even if it just is a excuse to. They should be pulling over the people who break the serious laws not be worrying about what people have hanging on their windshield. The law is very unnecessary and should be lifted and people can not hang objects that obstruct their view like fuzzy dice.

Friday, October 15, 2010

It's not race, LeBron James, but it might be you blog

The article is about race, they are saying that since he is black that is tha reason he left Cleveland. Also why his popularity dropped because of his ego.
Abloms point of the article is that it is not the race factor in his case. The reason he lost so many fans was because of his ego and the need for more money. His fans used to treat him like he was the best basketball player that ever lived and that he had no faults. That he was so into himself that he will not be able to get rid of the ego he created.
I agree with Ablom because race is not playing any part of why he lost some many fans when he switched from Cleveland to Miami. He was hiding it from everyone and not giving direct answers. He was using his power over his fans to get the attention and money he wanted. His ego is out of control and he needs to learn how to control it and he may get some of his old fans back. “He made up a TV-special that was world wide and made it look like it was for charity but her actually did that to praise himself.” I agree with that quote his ego is so big he made up a tv special just so he could show everyone that he is a basketball legend.
Abloms most effective point would be his lesson in popularity part when he changes that names to get the point across. He uses that story to show people that it was his ego that caused him to lose so many fans and have so much criticism from the press. Ablom shows us that people slowly lost their liking of him because of his ego not because of his team switch or because he is black. He caused his popularity drop because of his ego.